Mariposa Hall Grand Opening – Green Features

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Estrella Mountain hosted the Grand Opening of Mariposa Hall this past Wednesday (Feb. 24, 2010). Here is what faculty, staff, and students who toured the building learned about the green features of the building:

  • the carpet throughout the building is made from 25% recycled nylon and can be recycled at its end use,
  • the ceiling panels are made from a combination of recycled plastic bags and reclaimed wood fibers into a material called Trex Trellis,
  • the tackable surfaces located outside classrooms and office are made from recycled tires,
  • approx. 297,000 gallons of water is saved annually through the use of waterless urinals, dual flush toilets, and sensor operated sinks,
  • low VOC paints and walk-on grates reduce indoor air pollution,
  • stablized decomposed granite fire lane, exposed aggregated concrete walkways surfaces do not absorb heat thus aiding in mitigating the Heat Island Effect,
  • the north-south orientation of the building along with energy efficient utility systems save approximately 155,900 kWh of energy annually,
  • rain water is collected through the roof drain system and is collected through stormwater runnels that are used to irrigate the native and drought tolerant landscape saving 60,656 gallons of water annually.

For more information regarding the LEED and green features of Mariposa Hall, please contact the

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